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Bar/Bat Mitzvah

B’nai Mitzvahs at Keneseth Israel are joyous, personal journeys. You are never left alone to wonder how things work, and care is taken at every step to make sure it is a personalized experience. No cookie cutter simchas at KI!

Click here for information
regarding Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah


Dates are chosen the summer following the fourth grade when you will receive a letter with available times for the year your child will be turning 13. Please note – we go by age, not grade, so there is some overlap between classes. Both boys and girls must be 13 by the date of their simcha.

We encourage the family to look at the time of the year, then review parshahs around that time. How much better if the student can study a portion that truly resonates. Parents submit three choices, and dates are assigned on a first come, first serve basis. Rarely does a family get anything other than their first or second choice. Please note – we do not offer Friday night ceremonies other than for special educational purposes, and Havadalah ceremonies can be requested in writing, but must be for a valid religious reason.

All ceremonies begin at 10:30 am and end around noon.


  1. Families must be congregants in good standing.
  2. The child must have attended at least 2 years of religious school, either at KI or at another synagogue if new to the area.
  3. The family must make a commitment to attend at least 3 Saturday morning services before their ceremony, as well as several Friday night Shabbat services.
  4. We expect the child to enroll and attend classes at Religious School through 7th grade, regardless of when their ceremony takes place.


 The fee for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Keneseth Israel is $1,410, broken into three payments of $470 each. The first is due two years before the ceremony; the second is due one year before the ceremony and the third is due two months before the ceremony.

The Social Hall will automatically be billed to the account when the tutoring fees are assessed; if it will not be used, the charge is deleted. If additional rooms are to be used, additional fees will be charged.

Security will be billed at $40/hour for the entire time, including both ceremony, lunch and any party.

The fee includes all tutoring, materials, meeting with the Rabbi for the D’Var Torah as well as for a ceremony review and a dress rehearsal. It includes the pianist, 3 choir members and the custodian for however long the building is being used.


Approximately six months prior to the ceremony, an email will be sent introducing the family to the assigned tutor. The family will be instructed to set up a kick off meeting with the tutor and Rabbi, as well as make appointments for several other sessions with the Rabbi.

Sessions should be set up between the family and tutor directly, at a place of convenience to both parties. There will be approximately 26 sessions; it is not a problem if the student needs a few more sessions, but if significant extra time is required, the family will be billed. 

The last three sessions with the tutor, however, must take place at KI so that the Bar/Bat Mitzvah can get comfortable with the Torah, standing on the bimah and being in the Sanctuary.

A downloadable file will be provided with the trope for each parshah.


You will be provided with a manual that covers most of this information along with additional information about the party or lunch, and other questions. At any time, if you have questions, please do not hesitate to call the office and speak with Vikki Dunn, the Temple administrator, 610-435-9074.

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785