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Brit Olam Steering Committee - Chair: Maryann Snyder

Through its own programming and partnerships with others, supports KI as a place of learning, personal growth, and action in pursuit of a just society.

Brotherhood - President: Bill Rutherford

Brotherhood offers the opportunity for the men of our Congregation to perform mitzvot and to become actively involved in our Jewish community.

Budget - Chair: Ian Carlis

Makes a detailed annual estimate of the income and operating expenses of the Congregation, supervises the annual audit of the Congregational accounts and develops for approval by the Board of Trustees the annual operating and capital budgets.

ByLaws- Chair: Larry Zelson

Reviews, updates and recommends to the Board of Trustees changes to the Congregational by-laws as the need arises.

Endowment - Chair: Mike Stroock

Accepts and invests monies donated for the long-term future of the Temple. Filters requests for monies and recommends to the Board whether to accept or deny the requests.

Grounds - Chair: Bob Rockmaker

Family Promise - Chair: Maria Purcell

Organizes KI’s partnership with Family Promise of the Lehigh Valley to feed and house homeless families.

Library - Chair: Sean Boyle

Established to update and maintain the Judaic and secular Library holdings.

Life and Legacy - Bob Rockmaker

LIFE & LEGACY is a 4–year partnership program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF) that assists communities across North America, through partnerships with Jewish Federations and Foundations, to promote after-lifetime giving to benefit local Jewish day schools, synagogues, social service organizations and other Jewish entities. Through training, support and monetary incentives LIFE & LEGACY motivates Jewish organizations to secure legacy gifts, steward donors and integrate legacy giving into the philanthropic culture of the Jewish community.

Lifelong Learning Committee - Chair: Harvey Hakim

Promotes life-long learning through a variety of thought-provoking, stimulating programs, classes and courses of study. Sponsors the Scholar in Residence weekend(s) and plans numerous trips to places and events designed to enable us to have a deeper understanding of our Jewish heritage and culture.

Marketing and Communications - Chair: Ellyn Schindler

Promotes and publicizes programs and events both within the temple and in the media. Unifies all internal communication under a single logo and tagline.

Membership - To Be Determined

Recruits new members for the Congregation and develops programs for their orientation, integration and retention.

Religious Practices - Chair: Martina Obenski

In cooperation with the Rabbi, considers and establishes observances for the Synagogue and promotes practices in the home that will enhance the values of Jewish living. Also defines, implements and publicizes appropriate policy pertaining to our worship services and life cycle events.

Religious School - Co-Chairs: Bill Rutherford and Larry Zelson

In cooperation with the Rabbi and Religious School Director, develops the educational curriculum for the children and supervises the operation of the school.

The Keneseth Israel Security Committee - Chair: Mike Obenski

The Security Committee’s goal is to maximize the Safety and Security of Keneseth Israel’s members, guests, employees, buildings and property. Safety and Security related protocols and equipment are monitored and evaluated by the committee on an on-going basis. Suggestions for improvements or changes are presented to the board of trustees for approval. The Committee creates and maintains an up-to-date manual of procedures currently in place and coordinates with the Temple Administrator, Clergy, and Lay Leadership.

Tikkun Olam

Develops programs that address "Tikkun Olam," healing the world.

Aid teachers with reading and math, participate at school events and provide funds for extras.

5k run to benefit various charities.

Collect warm clothing in the fall and distribute to local high schools.

Women of KI - Chair: Mary Salinger

Women of KI provides an opportunity for the women of our congregation to get together for social, educational and cultural programs. Our Sisters volunteer to work together for our Synagogue and the community at large.


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Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785