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What's Going On Here? Inequity in PA School Funding

Sunday, April 24, 2022 23 Nisan 5782

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

What's Going On Here?

Inequity in PA School Funding

Brought to  you by the Brit Olam Program

  • Date: April 24th, 2022
  • Time: 7:00 pm
  • This is an online event.  Register below for your Zoom link.


Pennsylvania has the largest funding gaps between rich and poor schools of any state in the nation. What does this mean for Allentown School District? Learn about the recent trial in the Commonwealth Court, legislative fixes that would provide for more equitable funding, and the current budget cycle.


  • Two presentations - 45-50 minutes total
  • Question and Answer led by our moderator.

Meet Our Speakers:


Karen Beck Pooley is a Professor of Practice at Lehigh University and the Director of Research and Analytics at czb LLC, an urban planning and neighborhood development consulting firm. She also serves on the Bethlehem Area School District (BASD) School Board and the Northampton Community College Board of Trustees, and is a member of BASD Proud Parents and the Steering Committee of Pennsylvanians for Fair Funding.


Mike Schlossberg has represented the 132nd District in Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives since 2013. He has served as the Chair of the Northeast Regional Delegation, and in 2021 was elected Democratic Caucus Administrator by his colleagues. His introduction in 2021 of a proposal to allocate $100M to the 100 most financially distressed school districts in the Commonwealth is part of a focus on education among his priorities as a legislator House of Representatives


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