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Every Voice, Every Vote

We have opportunities to contribute to the Pennsylvania Religious Action Center’s Every Voice Every Vote campaign, the immediate focus of which is to encourage fellow Pennsylvanians, especially those who have doubted in the past whether their votes would really affect their circumstances, to register and to vote. As part of the RAC-PA Just Elections campaign, Every Voice, Every Vote is motivated by our concern for racial equity.

Our current focus activities are...

  • Postcard writing, in partnership with the PA League of Women Voters, to ensure that eligible voters know how to register and to vote, and know that their voices matter.
  • Phone conversations with eligible voters, in partnership with, to encourage people to vote, and to encourage family, friends, and neighbors to do the same. Volunteers get on-the-spot support from One PA and can have meaningful conversations with voters about their personal and community concerns.

Other volunteer opportunities are available, including becoming a poll worker on election day Watch this space or your weekly Let’s Stay Connected email for details!

Like all elements of the RAC-PA Every Voice Every Vote campaign, these activities will be non-partisan: We can engage with people regarding ways in which their voices do matter and can make a difference, but we will never advocate for any candidate or party.

Post Card Writing Form


Phone Banking Form


Wed, January 15 2025 15 Tevet 5785