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High Holy Days 2023/5784

We ask that guests please register by clicking HERE.
NOTE: KILV Congregants do not need to register.

Table of Contents

Live Stream

Live streaming will begin at the date and time of the service. 

Until the stream is live, the channel will show as offline.

It is the same stream we use for our regular Friday night services, so please be aware!


Youth Services

We are offering two youth services this year. Services are for ages 3 to 11.

The first service is during the Rosh Hashanah morning service and the second is during Yom Kippur morning service beginning at 9:30 am.

No babysitting for little ones is available this year.

songs - prayers - crafts - stories - snacks


NOTE: Parents are welcome to stay but do not have to.  We do request that parents come at least 15 minutes early to help situate their kids!

Registration for Youth Services is now closed


Guest Registration

We ask that all guests joining us for services please register.

Note: KILV Congregants do not need to register.

Online visitors will be sent a link for services while in-person visitors will be sent a ticket after registration.


Services Schedule

Looking to practice before services? Click the button below.

Erev Rosh Hashanah Friday, September 15th  7:30 pm
Rosh Hashanah Morning  Saturday, September 16th  9:30 am
2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah Nature Walk Sunday, September 17th 10:00 am
Cemetery Service Sunday, September 24th  2:00 pm
Kol Nidre Sunday, September 24th 7:30 pm
Yom Kippur Morning Service Monday, September 25th 9:30 am
Meditation Service Monday, September 25th After Morning Service
Yom Kippur Afternoon Service Monday, September 25th 2:30 pm
Yizkor Service Monday, September 25th 4:05 pm
N’eilah Service Monday, September 25th 5:00 pm



Our services are free, but we gratefully accept donations. Thank you for your generosity.

Watch Services on your Television!

Want to learn how to watch our videos on your television? Check out our tutorials below:

Want to get in some practice with these tutorials?
Why not try them out on the videos from past years below:

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785