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Our spirit and enthusiasm are alive at Congregation Keneseth Israel. It is a place of strength and beauty where prayer is meaningful and participatory, and people reach out to one another during times of celebration and sadness.

All are welcome at Keneseth Israel. We strive to serve the diverse needs of our community, Jews of all races, incomes, cultures and sexual orientations, adults and children with special needs and Jews-by-choice, and reach out to the unaffiliated and interfaith families.

If you are searching for a spirited close-knit community, unique opportunities for lifelong Jewish learning, and a part in determining how the members of a 21st-century temple can help change the world, please join us and become part of our Keneseth Israel family.

To obtain an application for membership, contact John Perry, 610-435-90746 by email at


We are delighted that you are interested in joining Congregation Keneseth Israel. We are a Reform synagogue, founded in 1903, and are affiliated with the Union of Reform Judaism, the national congregational organization of Reform Judaism.

To further your involvement in the life of the congregation, we ask that you complete this application and information form. The information you share with us remains confidential. In addition to helping us serve one another more effectively, this information facilitates achieving an accurate profile of our membership and enables us to more efficiently plan our future and your part in it.

To learn more about KILV, check out the following links:

Click here to see our current Schedule of Dues and Fees.

If you have any questions, please feel free to our administrator at (610) 435-9074 or e-mail her at

Thank you for your cooperation and “Baruch Ha Ba”-- welcome to Congregation Keneseth Israel! We all look forward to getting to know you!



Each member of Keneseth Israel has a responsibility to financially support the synagogue to the best of his or her ability. However, no one is denied membership because of an inability to pay full dues. Dues programs are available to meet everyone's needs and abilities.

Please see the following page for a complete listing of Dues by Category, as well as various Fees as they may pertain to you.

We realize there may be circumstances that make it impossible to meet the full dues requirement. In this case, ask the Temple Administrator for a reduce dues form and return it with your membership application. The Financial Secretary will review your application and work with you to arrive at a satisfactory dues level.

Please consider contributing your annual dues at a level above the regular amount, as many of our members do.

The Congregation is very appreciative of your financial support.


Each new member of Keneseth Israel is required to make a pledge to the Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of $1,800. This pledge is payable over six years. The Capital Improvement Fund exists to maintain and improve our synagogue and classroom buildings. Any amounts that you have previously paid to fulfill this pledge at another Reform Congregation will be deducted from your required pledge at KI.


Enrollment in our Religious School is limited to children of members of the Congregation. Tuition is established annually by the Board of Trustees. No child of a member in good standing will be denied a religious education.

Religious School fees are in addition to annual dues. During the summer months, Religious School tuition charges will be included on your monthly statement; in addition to these fees, In order to register your child for school, at least one quarter of your annual dues must be paid, unless other arrangements are made in advance.

There are additional charges for Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Confirmation to cover the costs of tutoring, music, custodial, etc. This will be explained more fully when you participate in these simchas.


The Rabbi officiates without charge at life-cycle ceremonies for members and their immediate families.

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785