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At Keneseth Israel we strive to find meaningful ways of prayer, of celebrating Shabbat and for worshipping together. Here are a few:

  • Friday Night Services 
    Worship Services begin at 7:30 PM followed by a lovely Oneg Shabbat (a Jewish celebration in honor of the Sabbath which includes refreshments).
  • Shabbat Out of the Box
    After the Rabbi’s 9:30 AM Torah study session, KI offers innovate and creative ways to celebrate Shabbat (such as Collage Making, Belly Dancing, Card Making and much more!). We weave Judaism into activities you already love or would like to explore.
  • Shabbat Friends
    Meets here at KI in the multi-purpose room every 2nd Friday of the month from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM where other Temple members bring their Kosher-Style dinner and gather around to enjoy lively conversation with one another. Don’t be shy as we’re a very friendly group!
Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785