Women of KI
Women of KI (formerly Sisterhood)
The mission of the Women of KI is to serve our synagogue and enrich our lives through spiritual growth, personal growth, and friendship. Women of KI is an integral part of Congregation Keneseth Israel. Women of KI serves our entire KI community and community at large through various functions, including:
● Mitzvah Corps
● The Onegs following Shabbat Services
● Social Events
● The Ecumenical Soup Kitchen
● Beautification Projects
● And so much more!
Being a member of the Women of KI is an enriching and rewarding experience. We strive to be an inclusive community for women of all ages. There are many ways to be a part of the Women of KI. First, by paying membership dues, you are supporting various activities at KI which touch all of our members. A portion of your membership dues also helps our Women of KI support Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ).
WRJ is the women’s affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism, the central body of Reform Judaism in North America. WRJ now represents more than 65,000 women in North America and around the world. WRJ works to ensure the future of Reform Judaism.
Another way to be part of the Women of KI is by volunteering your help and time with various activities.
Please consider supporting our congregation and Reform Judaism by becoming a Women of KI member:
● To join now please click Join Women of KI now.
● To learn more about membership please visit our Membership page.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Women of KI, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at one of our many events.
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785